Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dreaded Sundays

Dreaded Sundays are only dreaded Sundays because it's the day before Monday. Monday...the day I return to hell for five days. One of these days far, far away, I'll be able to not dread Sundays or Mondays. It's a long ways off but it's there somewhere.

In other news, it's cloudy and rainy here. Not that I don't like the rainy days, I do, it's just that it's been this way for three solid days and is supposed to be this way for at least a couple more days. Guess I'll have to deal with it the same way I deal with Sundays and Mondays. You gotta love it.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Another Sunday

What can I say? Maybe changing my font will help my tendency to go for long periods of time without posting anything. I read somewhere that everyone should keep a diary and post something in it every day, important or not. The idea was to at least get something down on paper and in the end it's like leaving a record for your family and/or friends what was going on in your head. Sounds great, but it's more difficult for me that it sounds. I usually have a difficult time coming up with something that doesn't sound about as boring as anything could be. So, in the end I have these long lapses where I don't put anything down so it doesn't give a logical sequence as the thoughts don't all the time fit together. I keep promising myself I'll make an effort to get something down but it falls to the side. And anyway, who wants to hear what I have to say?