Sunday, November 23, 2008

Holidays On The Rise

Not that I'm all that excited about it. I'll be off the least amount of time in years and the majority of that will be spent with the wife and her family. Today we have to eat lunch with her Mom as she and her husband will be away on Thursday. I don't really know why as we'll be there again on Christmas Eve and then Christmas with her Sister and Dad at the Sister's in Florida. What this means is that most of my time off Christmas will be spent on the road to and from Florida. Not my idea of a Christmas vacation. But, I have no choice in the matter.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dreaded Sundays

Dreaded Sundays are only dreaded Sundays because it's the day before Monday. Monday...the day I return to hell for five days. One of these days far, far away, I'll be able to not dread Sundays or Mondays. It's a long ways off but it's there somewhere.

In other news, it's cloudy and rainy here. Not that I don't like the rainy days, I do, it's just that it's been this way for three solid days and is supposed to be this way for at least a couple more days. Guess I'll have to deal with it the same way I deal with Sundays and Mondays. You gotta love it.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Another Sunday

What can I say? Maybe changing my font will help my tendency to go for long periods of time without posting anything. I read somewhere that everyone should keep a diary and post something in it every day, important or not. The idea was to at least get something down on paper and in the end it's like leaving a record for your family and/or friends what was going on in your head. Sounds great, but it's more difficult for me that it sounds. I usually have a difficult time coming up with something that doesn't sound about as boring as anything could be. So, in the end I have these long lapses where I don't put anything down so it doesn't give a logical sequence as the thoughts don't all the time fit together. I keep promising myself I'll make an effort to get something down but it falls to the side. And anyway, who wants to hear what I have to say?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Long Time No See

It's again been a while since I was here. I go through periods of having nothing worthwhile (what I consider worthwhile) to say. I do this mainly as something for me to do as I doubt many, if any, people actually read it.

Over the weekend, Saturday to be exact, I went with my wife and her Dad to Red Lobster. This is an every few week ritual though it is usually done on Friday night. And, usually he wants to go to a pizza joint called Peppinos because it one of a few places left that you can sit and eat pizza and drink beer. In his world pizza isn't pizza without beer. The pizza tends to be on the greasy side but for some reason he thinks it's the best pizza on the planet.

Over the years most of the family has gone along with this although my brother-in-law got to the point he'd order a philly steak sandwich rather than eat the pizza. He still submitted to drinking the weak, thin tasting draft beer that is cheap. This is why my father-in-law likes it. Cheap and American (for the time being). I have trouble with the beer but have been hesitant to buck the system for fear of being called out as a traitor to the cause. There was this one time I got brave and ordered a Heiniken for which I caught the wrath of the father-in-law and have not made that mistake since.

I don't know the point of all this other than I'm am bored and rambling. The long and short of it is that this is the story of my life. So, this is living.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Once Again

So, here I am once again. It's been quite a while since I posted. The Super Bowl is tonight and frankly I'll be happy to see it gone. I'm personally am sick of Tom Brady. Though I don't have a great deal of faith it will happen I hope New England goes down in flames. Not that I'm a big Giants fan and in fact I am a Redskins fan, but I can't stand Tom Brady. Unfortunately, if they do win it will never stop.

One thing I read in the newspaper that pissed me off was that the legislature in Georgia passed a resolution recommending they have a college football playoff. For god's sake. We are having to deal with recession, sky high gas prices, and less and less money to spend and they are concerned about a football playoff! Why can't we wake up and realize we have to get these morons out of office.