Monday, February 19, 2007

News In The Meantime

It's been a while since I last posted. It's a combination of depression and just being lazy. Feeling I have nothing worthwhile to say doesn't do anything to promote posting either.

Since my last post, I have been to Florida and found out that I have high cholesterol and am taking medication for it. Two different pills together. They want me to drastically change my diet but I have a very difficult time in dealing with that. A couple of the main things is to stay from fried foods and back off red meat. I can back off the dreaded red meat OK but a lot of what I like to eat is fried. Fish, chicken, pork chops. I can handle them baked but not as in that's the only way I'll ever be able to eat them again. I don't know.

The situation at work is no better that it ever has been. Same old, same old. The one bright spot here is that I have less than five years until I can retire. At least it's something to hold on to.