Sunday, March 12, 2006


One thing about me that many people don't know is that I like to cook. I watch several of the cooking shows on TV and get some magazines geared to cooking. The biggest reason I don't let everyone know this is that a lot of people, especially the ones I work with, don't consider it a very masculine thing to want to cook. I credit my Dad with learning to cook as he always was preaching to me about how I should learn to be independent and be able to take care of myself under any circumstances. And, it has helped me tremendously. I enjoy it very much and cook more during the week than my wife does. I usually get home before her and I cook while she is on the way home. That way we can get through with it and have the evening free. If I didn't and waited until she got home we would eat at least an hour later. Besides, though it's questionable as to whether she would agree, I am the better cook.

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