Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Read the Newspaper

If I happen to be in a particularly good frame of mind and for some reason I find I don't want to be I read the newspaper. This depresses me faster than anything I can think of. It's not that I am looking for inspiration but rather just the facts. Not someone's opinion or slant. My local paper has a very conservative slant, which is odd considering this is the aforementioned college town and artsy town. This would be fine if they would save their slant for the editorial/opinion pages but they slant everything. I do get a range of emotions from the editorial pages. From downright comedy to downright stupidity, the pages are filled with letters from mostly very conservative people who either are deaf, dumb, and blind or brainwashed. It's one thing to support a cause but quite a different thing to blindly support a cause and not see the reality in anything presented that opposes that view. Like the one veteran who boasted about serving his country and how he would do it again to protect the idiots who live here. Being called an idiot really opened my mind to his point of view. I can only gather from their tone and attitude that what these people really want is not a democracy and a president, but a dictator. No questions asked, just do it. Otherwise, why would they have such a problem when someone questions or criticizes anything they believe in? Well, the way things are going now it won't be very much longer before this dictator thing will be a reality rather than an attitude.

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