Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Another Lost Wednesday

And so here I sit on another Wednesday night. Normally my wife has her little church thing and choir practice tonight. During the summer they don't have dinner at church so she comes home to eat and just sit around until choir practice. Oh joy! What this means is that I have to sit here and wait until she goes before I can really do anything I'd like to do. I know it sounds selfish, but I feel that I give her all the time she needs to do what she wants or likes to do. Why should I have to give up what I like to do for three months out of the year just because she doesn't have to eat at the church? She could visit her Mother or Dad. She could visit friends, but no. She has to come home to make sure I'm not doing something I shouldn't be doing whatever that may be. I've even tried to talk to her about it but she acts so hurt and defensive. All an act, me thinks. So, until I can come up with something different, my Wednesday nights are only mine nine out of 12 months.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunscreen, Anyone?

Had an appointment with my dermotologist on Friday afternoon. Not as pleasant as I had hoped. I had a place behind my ear (which is why I went to begin with) which he said was basic cell carcinoma, which is actually a type of skin cancer. It's the least serious of any type of skin cancer you can get but there's just something about the word "cancer" that is very sobering. He cut the place off but wants me to see another specialist who does some kind of special treatment just to make sure the thing is completely gone and won't return. It's not the type of cancer that will get in your bloodstream, but it's still not to be taken lightly. At he very least, it's made me rethink the sunbathing and sunscreen. I have not been one to really slop on the sunscreen nor have I been one to wear a hat. I think that's all about to change.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

This Week

This week hasn't been, typically, any different than any other. It's been dull and boring and much too much routine. You know, get up, go to work, return home, eat, sleep, and back to work. The life of most of the mundane little people of the world. This is all the while the well to doer's enjoy their life. I'd like to enjoy mine but without cash, it's not all that easy to do. Anyone got any suggestions? Just let me know.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Upcoming Week

Well, the sister-in-law lands Monday and already everyone is drooling to be at her feet. After the way she has treated everyone I don't know why. I told my wife if they don't want her acting like a queen, stop treating her like one. She, nor does anyone else, have to jump everytime this chick says frog. They all complain about how shitty she treats everyone and looks down her nose at everyone, but you can bet the farm that they'll all be there everytime she shows her snooty nose. I, myself, don't give a rat's ass if I see her or not. She's so selfish with the "the world revolves around me" attitude I can't handle it. If we ever get around her, she's the number one topic of conversation and she makes sure of it. Sound bitter? I suppose, but I just have a lot of problems handling the "I am better than thou" attitude.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Rant

There is a web site that I, at one time, really liked to read. It's called "Capitol Hill Blue". It's a political web site and at the time they didn't take sides. They were pretty independent. Lately, and this isn't a problem for me, they have leaned more left than right. What my problem is is that the guy who operates the site, Doug Thompson, seems to have fallen into some kind of funk where all he does is criticize about other bloggers and rants as to how they don't have the intelligence or right to even be on the internet. In other words he has a very self righteous attitude as if he's the only site who should comment on anything related to news and politics. Every day there is some "rant" about how much better he and his site are than any others including "Daily Kos" and "The Raw Story". I don't read the "Daily Kos" much, but I do read "Raw Story" and in my own opinion, it has become a much better site than "Capitol Hill Blue". It's too bad that he's taken what was once one of my favorite sites and turned it into his own pulpit for promoting himself.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Wednesday, Oh Wednesday!

At least I have my internet connection back. It went out Sunday and I went into a panic. Funny how at one time there was no such thing as internet and now I go into cold turkey if mine goes out. Anyway, they came out this morning and determined it was a faulty modem. At least it was that simple. I always fear it's going to be some unsolvable things that means I am without my computer for days or even weeks. I know it sounds like some kind of social disease, but I can't help it. I am a computer addict and I love being so. Sometimes, it can be detrimental to my mental health especially when I do something stupid to screw my computer up. Then I curse myself and wonder why I messed with it at all. But, then I go back and will do the same thing over and over. What can I say, I am a tinkerer.